Social Media isn't enough
We know what you’re thinking - shouldn’t we be shouting about how Social Media is an all singing, all dancing, one-stop-shop that can do everything for you? After all, people come to us for help with their Social Media, and it is a large part of the Digital Marketing-scape in the 21st century. But no, we’re going to surprise you. Using Social Media on its own might lead you to feeling like you’re shouting into a bottomless pit - or in Rachel’s case, a migraine.
When Social Media first became popular, it was an extremely effective tool. But today you’re fighting for space in an over-saturated pool of competitors. There are an estimated 5.17 billion total social media users worldwide, with an average person using 6.7 different social networks per month. How are you going to shout through the noise? It’s not impossible, but you can’t do it alone.
Social Media works best when you have something else working with it. Whether that’s Paid Ads, a Website with good SEO, or a substantial Mailing List funneling people to your preferred platforms with a recurring Newsletter - Social Media doesn’t work well when it’s lonely. But Rome wasn’t built in a day and all of these carefully cultivated systems take time.
Strategise Strategise Strategise
There’s virtually no point in joining the rat race of Social Media if you’re not going to figure out what you’re going to say, to who, when, or why. Research:
Who is your audience and where are they spending most of their time scrolling - for example 68% of Instagrammers are female, with 59% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 using Instagram.
What do you want your Tone of Voice to sound like and Brand to look like?
How do you want people to feel when they see your posts?
What are your competitors doing?
Where will Social Media (and the rest of your Digital Marketing) fit in your sales funnel?
Or come to us for a Strategy (Rach loves them!)
Social Media isn’t just for selling
44% of businesses use Social Media as a driver for Brand Awareness. Utilise Social Media as part of your sales funnel, but don’t rely on it to do the selling for you. It’s also worth remembering that it takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a customer decides to buy - so stay consistent and hope the pesky “algorithm” works in your favour.
It’s not just about Social Media
There are many components to consider, and there’s not a one size fits all approach to what works (is there ever?!) Here are list of things to think about when posting on Social Media that can alter the look, feel, and reach:
Brand - Is your brand strong but in need of a refresh? Does it reflect what you’re trying to sell? Is it consistent? Think of the strongest brands, they don’t rely on a logo to do the talking for them.
Creative - are you using good-quality Photography and Videography, or is it blurry or outdated? Are your Copywriting skills up to scratch? Have you thought about using bespoke Illustration to amplify your brand?
Strategy - Have your Tone of Voice and Brand been thoughtfully consistent across the board?
Is your website as dusty as that can of baked beans in the back of your Grandparents cupboard? Is it user-friendly? Do you have the time to keep it up-to-date?
Digital Marketing - have you thought about SEO? Email Marketing? Paid Ads? PPC? A Digital Campaign?
We’re not here to overwhelm you! Digital Marketing can make you feel like a small fish in a big pond, but chances are you don’t need to do all of these things, you just need something to complement what you’re already doing.
Whether you’re after a Digital Marketing package, a missing puzzle piece, or simply a Power Hour to help you keep on keeping on, we’re here to help you!